After four years of cruising, an opportunity arose to "complete the circle" with our friends, Joan and Steve Edmonds, aboard Colorado Cat. We will leave from Miami Beach on April 2nd, 2007 and hope to return by Thanksgiving, 2007.
This plant is about 1/2 the distance from the C&D Canal to where we turned east to pick up the canal into Cape May. As with many "important" installations these days, there is a security barrier extending about 500 yards out from the plant through which we dared not go. But, it is always amazing to see these plants with their billowing smokestacks knowing that if more were built, we could rely less on oil for some of our energy needs...another day for that discussion! The Delaware Bay can kick up her heels from time to time as it has a wide mouth emptying directly into the Atlantic Ocean. With winds from the east to southwest quadrant, it can be a very unpleasant ride. Coming down, we had good winds and the tide was running out so we fairly surfed our way down the bay. The comfortable ride changed however as we headed east at the lighthouse to connect up with the Cape May canal (this little canal was dug to allow safe passage for recreational boats between the Atlantic and Delaware Bay without having to encounter difficult weather and sea conditions around the tip of New Jersey). But, we made it safely and cruised slowly through the canal soaking up all the surrounding activity. The Coast Guard has a major training facility here from which our son, Peter, graduated back in the mid-90's. Our intent was to anchor out for the night just north of Cape May up the ICW. After checking out our first spot and deeming it not acceptable, we headed on up a bit further to Sunset Lake. While a bit dicey getting into, it proved to be a wonderful spot to spend the nite before we started heading north towards AC..
And what a spectacular spot it was. We dropped anchor, got the dinghy down, took Sidney to shore and were able to take a long walk on the beach looking out at the Atlantic Ocean. Another spectacular sight. I think I must have been a fish in a previous life because I just love the ocean. It was calm this nite thus very calming for me. If we weren't so tired and the dog hungry for his dinner, I could have sat there and watched the sun go down, but..... After all was said and done, we dropped into bed for a well deserved nite of slumber. The morning brought a beautiful sunrise which was savored on the back deck with my cup of decaf coffee. By the time the sun was well up, it was time to weigh anchor and head north up the ICW to Atlantic City NJ, our intended stop for the Memorial Day weekend.
In our next edition, we'll share our trip from Cape May to Atlantic City then to the NY Harbor and on up to Waterford NY. And thank you for sharing with us.